Welcome to Adventurers League (AL). If you’re reading this, it’s because you want to create your first AL character and start having some D&D fun.

Read the AL Players Guide

Assuming you know a little bit about D&D, the first step would be to read the first few pages of the AL Players Guide. The first few pages tell you the basic rules with which you can create your AL character.

The AL Players Guide can be found here: Documents

Some Basic Overall Rules For AL

Choose Your Medium

First and foremost, you can choose to create your AL character using a standard D&D character sheet (pen & paper).

But if you’re looking for some digital tools, the following can help:

Dungeons & Dragons | The Official Home of D&D

Roll20 - Virtual Tabletop for Playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, TTRPGs

AL itself does not require you to use any specific medium on which to create your character. However, DMs may have certain requirements in order to play in their games.

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Please note that these digital tools will show you some options which are not available in Adventurers League play. Be aware of which options are invalid and only select valid options.


Create Your Character

Step 1. Start At Level 1 or 5