Adventurers League requires you to keep a log of your character’s games, awards, etc.
What Information Should I Log?
The following information should be recorded in your log for each game you play:
- Date you played
- Adventure name and/or code (for example, “DDAL05-02 The Black Road”)
- Session # (if your game was played over more than one session)
- Name/identifier of your DM (DCI numbers are no longer required)
- Gold gained/spent
- Downtime days gained/spent
- Magic Items rewarded (including consumables)
The following extra information is helpful for bookkeeping
- Location (store name, Discord server, etc.)
In What Form Should My Logs Be Recorded?
There is no required form your logs must be. They simply must contain the above information and be available to show your DM should they request to see them.
Some methods people use for their logs:
- Text file
- Excel file
- Word file
- Google Sheet
- Google Doc